jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

The Oxford experience

First of all, I want to say that I am sorry for having disappeared for such a long time, but sometime it is hard to keep up with everything!
For those who followed me at some point of my trip, it finally ended in Chiapas, Mexico. I was in Mexico 4 months working as a field assistant for Dra. Sarie Van Belle, studying the behaviour of the (amazing) black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra). It was an amazing experience where I got to know unique people and lived incredible experiences. It felt as if it was the exact place where my trip had to finish.

After finishing the trip and going back home, I experienced something that maybe people who also travel frequently have experienced: I could be at home. I felt weird being at home and not having new experiences…therefore I decided to move to Menorca (a beautiful island of Spain) to work for 3 months as a waitress.

Once the summer was over, it was time to start one of the most important projects of my life: move to Oxford and start a master on Primate Conservation at Oxford Brookes University! I clearly remember when my parents took me to the airport and before going through the security check I started crying and said I wanted to stay at home…I was terrified! Now that I have successfully finished the first semester of the master and already have a project to conduct this following summer I feel proud of myself for what I have achieved so far.

This is a small summary of the last months of my life for those who are still interested in knowing what I am up to!

I want to wish you a merry Christmas and happy New Year for all of you who are readying these lines!


jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

La viajera

Para aquellos que quiza sin saber somo habeis acabado en esta página y os pregunteis quien soy, ahí va un resumen:

Me llamo Laura y soy de Barcelona. Con 23 años y a punto de terminar la carrera de Biologia decidí irme a hacer la vuelta al mundo con una sola aconpañante: mi mochila. Este viaje me esta llevando por lugares increibles como Borneo, Bali, Japón, Nueva Zelanda, Australia, California y Mexico. Durante 10 meses he recorrido muchisimos kilometros por mar, tierra y aire; pero más que un viaje geográfico ha sido un viaje interior.

Si te apetece saber un poquito más sobre este viaje solo tienes que seguir leyendo...(y saber un poquitin de inglés!)Si no sabes inglés y te apetece saber más escríbeme! (lauracervera_graupera@hotmail.com)